What are Air Cooled Heat Exchangers?

 An air-cooling heat exchanger is an apparatus that utilizes moving air to transfer heat from one medium (liquid) to another. The liquids may be in the same state, or one liquid may be boiling or condensing while the other is at room temperature. They operate on principles of convection, conduction, and phase changes. Air-cooled heat exchangers are used in refrigeration applications such as air conditioners, freezers, and chillers because they can produce very large amounts of cooling capacity for their size and weight.

Air-cooled heat exchangers are used in automotive & industrial applications where water cannot be permitted inside equipment due to freezing issues etc...

A typical application would be removing heat generated by internal combustion engines before entering the crankcase, where engine oil lubricates and cools the moving parts.

Some applications found in the industry are:

Air conditioner evaporators (cooling coils)

Chiller condensers (cooling coils)

Refrigeration units (cooling coils)

Heat sinks (located on electronics to cool hot components like CPU's)

Clothes dryer vents (exhaust heat exchanger exchanging heat into incoming cold fresh air stream)

Many of these examples above use standard finned aluminum tube or plate-type heat exchangers with motorized fans to drive flow while using pressure differentials for thermal energy transfer.


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